Category Archives: Services

VIN Checks

Vehicles/trailers purchased outside of the State of Indiana require a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) check in order to be registered by the BMV.  The Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office provides VIN Checks to the residents of our county.  If you need a VIN check done on an automobile, trailer, mobile home, RV, etc. call us at (812) 427-3636 to arrange for a VIN Check to be performed at your house.

If the vehicle/trailer can be legally towed or driven, anyone needing a VIN check done can also bring it to the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office to be inspected.

There is a $5.00 fee for each VIN checked and must be paid for in cash or money order.

Download the VIN check form here.



If your vehicle or trailer does not have a VIN number assigned and you need to register it, you will have to apply to the State for a VIN number and have them issue you a new MVIN, which you will permanently affix to your vehicle or trailer before registering it.  A police check for numbers must be performed prior to submitting paperwork to the State of Indiana.  When submitting paperwork, include the following:

  1. Completed and signed Application for Special Identification Number – State Form 12907
  2. Proof of ownership. Examples include: Certificate of Title, Certificate of Origin, Bill of Sale, etc.  A General Affidavit is used when the vehicle is assembled from parts on hand and/or from parts that have been purchased (receipts required).
  3. Physical Inspection of a Vehicle or Watercraft – State Form 39530 (Must be done by a law enforcement officer)
  4. One original side view picture of the entire vehicle. If a mobile home, a color picture of the front and the back view of the entire mobile home.
  5. Receipts from materials purchased, if applicable.
  6. State of Indiana Fee of $11.50 for the application.  If you are applying for a trailer and need a 30 day temporary permit you can send and additional $16.75 which allows the operation of a trailer on public roadways while the application is in process.
  7. Mail the above documents to:
Central Office Title Processing
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N417
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Download the complete MVIN Packet for Special Identification Number (MVIN) application

Once you have received your MVIN number and permanently affixed it to your vehicle/trailer give us a call and we will come out and verify that it has been placed on the vehicle.  We will fill out another VIN Check form (No Charge if paid initially) and give it to you to present to the BMV for registration and licensing.  If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (812) 427-3636.






Residence/Vacation Checks

Casa sicurcaThe Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office offers the following tips for keeping your residence safe when you are away for vacation.

  1. Don’t forget to lock your doors and windows behind you when you leave your house.
  2. Be careful about who you tell of your vacation plans or who may be listening when you are discussing the plans with someone else.  This includes being aware of who may be watching as you load your luggage into the car.
  3. Do not post your vacation plans on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc…)  Do not post pictures of you vacationing to social media sites until AFTER you have returned from vacation.  Burglars monitor these sites and could burglarize your residence while you are away.
  4. Remember, burglars find house keys easily when they are hidden under doormats, above the door ledge, or in a potted plant.
  5. Stop all deliveries while away, or better yet, allow the deliveries to continue and have a trusted neighbor pick up your newspapers and packages.  (Sometimes delivery persons are less than honest or the information about your absence gets into the wrong hands.)
  6. Try to maintain the “lived in” look of your house while you are away.  Use timers on lights and turn the ring tone down on your phones.  (A ringing phone that goes unanswered can alert a burglar to the absence of any occupants inside the home.)  Arrange for a trusted neighbor to do some yard upkeep or occasionally park a car in your driveway.
  7. Leave emergency contact numbers with someone you trust.
  8. You may call the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office at (812) 427-3636 and request a vacation patrol of your home.    Keep in mind that these home checks are on a “as time permits basis”.  In most cases, a good neighbor keeping an eye on your home is much more effective than any intermittent law enforcement patrol.



Background Checks

Local background checks are available 24/7 at the Sheriff’s Office.  To obtain one simply come to the Sheriff’s Office with a valid photo ID.  If you are getting a background check for a specific organization they may provide you with a form, or we can provide one if you need it.

A local background check will only include any history from Switzerland County.  This history will consist of any arrests that have occurred.  A record of an arrest does not indicate a conviction of that crime.  A background check for an area other than Switzerland County will need to be obtained from the record holder of that specific area; we cannot assist you in obtaining that information.

This a free service that is provided to the community as needed for a variety or reasons.




Accident Reports

accidebt reportThe Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office maintains a record of all accidents/crashes which are investigated by our deputies.  To provide the quickest possible service to citizens and insurance companies in obtaining their crash reports, the Sheriff’s Office has partnered with BUYCRASH.COM.  This enables you to be able to download a copy of the crash report online for a fee of $12.00.

You can still stop in and pick up a copy of the crash report in our office on Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for a fee of $5.00 (basic report – extra charge for copies of any pictures taken of crash).  Please call ahead first to verify that the report is completed and ready for pickup.

Mail-in requests can be made to: (Please include a self-addressed, self-stamped envelope)

Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Keisha Morton
405 Liberty Street
Vevay, Indiana 47043

For questions regarding auto accident/crash reports please contact Keisha Morton  at (812) 427-3636 or by email at


Handgun Permits

gunThe Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office will accept applications for handgun permits to Switzerland county residents living outside of the incorporated limits of Vevay.  If you live inside the town limits of Vevay, you have to obtain your handgun permit from the Vevay Police Department.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday      8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Except on National Holidays) (Other hours may be scheduled if not available at times listed above)


4 year permit – $30.00 money order payable to State of Indiana AND $10.00 cash/check/money order payable to the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office. Lifetime Permit with current valid permit – $60.00 money order payable to the State of Indiana AND $40 cash/check/money order payable to the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office. Lifetime Permit without current valid permit – $75.00 money order payable to the State of Indiana AND $50.00 cash/check/money order payable to the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office.


  • Determine your eligibility. You are not eligible if you have been convicted of a felony, have had a previous gun permit suspended, are under the age of eighteen (18) years of age (under 23 years old if a delinquent as a child), have been arrested for a Class A or B felony, arrested for any felony involving violence or the use of a deadly weapon.


  • Determine where you should apply. You have the option of submitting your application on-line or submitting your application with your local law enforcement (e.g. Vevay resident – Vevay P.D.), if you live outside the city or town, you can submit your application to our office.

                           For on-line registration:                         

                          Electronic Firearms Permit  Form                         


  • Determine when you should apply. The schedule varies depending on where you are applying. Most police departments have specific days of the week and operating hours for handling applications.  The Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office is as follows:

      Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00  P.M. (except on National Holidays)

  • Cost of Application. Indiana collects two fees at the time of  application. One goes to the State’s General Fund and the other goes to the Sheriff’s Office fund for firearms and firearm training. If you live outside of the city limits you can pay by cash, check or money order, payable to the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office. Those who apply on-line must still visit the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office to pay the fees.


  • Reminder: Purchase a Cashier’s Check or Money Order for $75.00  ($60.00 if you have a current license) made payable to the State of Indiana.


  • Cash, Check or Money Order for $50.00 ($40.00 if you have a current license) made payable to your the Switzerland County Sheriff’s Office.


  • Get everything together. Be sure to bring your driver’s license or other form of State recognized photo ID, along with payment.


  • Apply. You finally have everything you need. Go to your desired location and fill out the official application. It will ask for your name, full address, length of residence in the community, whether your residence is located in a city or town, your occupation, place of business or employment, criminal record (if any), and convictions (minor traffic offenses excepted), age, race, sex, nationality, date of birth, citizenship, height, weight, build, color of hair, color of eyes, scars, marks and tattoos, whether you have previously held an Indiana license to carry (serial number and year issued, if so) whether your license has ever been suspended (year and reason, if so) and your reason for desiring a license.


  • Get processed. You’ll be finger printed. They usually have a place for you to wash your hands but it’s somewhat difficult to get the ink off.


  • Return time frame. It usually takes 4-8 weeks to process an application. With the increased demand due to the new lifetime licenses your request might take 12-14 weeks. If you are renewing a license they will staple your old license to your application.  If you keep them stapled and carry both then you may continue carrying a handgun until you receive your new license or your license is rejected.


  • Check your mailbox regularly. Eventually your license will arrive in the mail and you’ll finally have your permit, or your application will be rejected and a portion of your application fee will be returned.


  • Get it laminated. Take your new card and get it laminated.


  • Notify the State of changes. If you change your name, address or are convicted of something that might change your eligibility you must notify the superintendent, in writing, within 30 days. You can (but are not required to) purchase a new license after an address change for a fee of $20.00


  • Know the local laws. Code on Regulation of Handguns (IC 35-47-2). Click for Indiana Handgun Laws.


  • Carry responsibly.


Sex Offender Registry

Our office is pleased to provide OffenderWatch® for the citizens of Switzerland County. OffenderWatch® is the nation’s leading registered sex offender management and community notification tool with hundreds of leading agencies in dozens of states utilizing it. Switzerland County’s law enforcement utilizes OffenderWatch® to manage and monitor the whereabouts, conduct and compliance status of the registered offenders in Switzerland County. OffenderWatch® provides the most accurate and timely information available and now this information is available to you!

OffenderWatch® is updated instantaneously throughout the day as offender addresses and other offender information is updated in our office. You may enter any address in the county and see real-time information on the publishable offenders within the specified radius of the address you enter.

To access this system please visit