Category Archives: Safety

If You’re the Victim of a Crime

Indiana Code (IC) 35-40-4-8 defines the term “victim” as “…a person that has suffered harm as a result of a crime that was perpetrated directly against the person.”

VINE is a free service offered by the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association that is available to all Indiana residents who have been the victim of a crime.

Vine Mobile

Indiana Statewide VINE

VINE Service Number : (866) 959-8463

 TTY: (866) 847-1298
Indiana VINE is the Automated Victim Information and Notification Service for Indiana County Jails. Indiana VINE is an innovative service providing crime victims and other concerned citizens’ free, prompt and confidential notification and status information for offenders in Indiana County Jails. 
Information is provided 24 hours a day, over the phone, through the internet or by email. Indiana VINE also has live operators available to assist callers.You may also register to receive automated messages by telephone or email when a particular offender is released, transferred, or escapes. You may register through their website  or by calling 1-866-959-VINE.

VINELink is the online version of VINE. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Victims and other concerned citizens can also register to be notified by phone, email, text message (SMS) or TTY device when an offender’s custody status changes. Users can also register through their participating state or county toll-free number.



Victims of crime have the right to be free from intimidation. Please contact the Indiana Department of Corrections’ Victim Services Division at (317) 232-5749 or (800) 447-5604, if you have been harassed or threatened by an offender.